Anti Fatigue Floor Mats Can Help Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents
By: The Mad Matter
With winter weather arriving in certain states over the next few weeks, snow, ice, and salt will be sticking to people’s shoes as they enter your business. With the proper wiper and walk off mats, most of the moisture and particles will be trapped, but people’s shoes might still be slick. For employees that stand at their desk or station, such as guards and security staff, having the right anti-fatigue floor mats at their feet can prevent slip and fall accidents. The Mad Matter carries all types of anti-fatigue flooring, and can help you select the right mats for your business.
As snow and ice melts off of people’s shoes, that moisture will soak into the floor mats, so it’s important to select mats that are absorbent and that dry quickly. They also need to be easy to clean, since ice melt and road salt will also find their way to the mats. If employees are going in and out throughout the day, they’ll appreciate having a cushioned mat to stand on while they’re talking with customers or working at their desk.
If you’re concerned about slips and falls this winter in your office or retail location, look through our selection and pick out entrance mats, anti-fatigue mats, and every flooring solution that your building may need. Your employees will be able to stand for long periods of time, while also having a safe place to let their shoes dry, and you won’t have to worry about moisture or salt creating a hazard.