Insert Options-B
It’s important to understand the reason behind specific placements of different floor mats in a dependable entrance mat system. Each area is broken into 3 different zones, and in each zone contains a different type of entrance mat. Each mat has distinctive qualitites and characteristics that are designed to serve a particular goal. Take a look at the diagram below to give you a better idea on how to construct a superior performance entrance system, and helping to pick out the right Insert/Tread Type for the job.
MonoScrape Insert/Tread (ZONE 2 or 3) A wiper + scraper insert option. Great absorbtion properties. Feels like a mixture of 85% Nylon Carpet fibers to 15% toothbrush bristles.
Polybrush Insert/Tread (ZONE 1 or 2) Great scraper mat for indoor or vestibule use when carpet will be the next walking surface as one enters the building. Feels like a mixture of 90% toothbrush bristles to 10% carpet fibers.
Vinyl Abrasive Insert/Tread (Zone 1 & 2)High Friction coefficient Outdoor /Indoor Scraper Mat. Feels like Sandpaper.
Ribbed Vinyl Insert/Tread (ZONE 1 & 2) Indoor/Outdoor Scraper Mat with horizontal vinyl ribbed surface structure.
Serrated Aluminum Insert/Tread (ZONE 1 & 2) Ultimate Longevity Scraping Action.